Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why must you bore me?

I am so sick of movies that think they are special just because they are movies.

Is it too much to ask to be entertained? To be told a story?

I don't want to watch random people wander around (sometimes for 2+ hours!!) and then have it end.

If that's all it takes, then I could just film my life for the next three days and make a movie of it. I can tell you how that would go: Sleep, get ready for work, drive to work, work, drive home, eat dinner, go to the gym, relax for about an hour, go to sleep, repeat.
Sound boring?
Well, that's my point. If what I just described is more interesting than your movie, then why are you making it?

People have to put so much time and effort into making them, even if they suck, so why do you want to make one if you have nothing to say?

Tell me a story, for pity sake. Let's take a journey together and see where it takes us. Entertain me!

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