Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sheltered Life

Normally, I live such a sheltered, routine life when I go on these work trips I'm like an ADD kid on crack. My mind moves over different subject matter at about a million miles per hour. Since, half of the purpose of this blog is to purge the junk from my head so that it doesn't torture me, here is some of the junk that has been piling up the last couple of days. 

1. I wish the Fitness Center in my hotel wasn't on the other side from the hotel rooms which means I have to walk across the lobby, entrance, hotel restaurant and hotel bar all hot and sweaty after I work out. 
P.S. This hotel is fucking giant and like a giant maze.

2. Traveling for work ruins traveling for personal reasons. For work, I stay in really nice, plush hotels. How could I stay in a shit hole for personal travel after that?

3. Sometimes, I don't have the television on because I want to watch it, but because I like the colors and the noise. Turns out I have more in common with babies than I thought.

4. There are trains in San Francisco. They travel really fast. I have watched to many movies, so it makes me really nervous every time one of them rushes by. I keep imagine myself, car stalled on the tracks. It is totally irrational, but my heart pounds a little bit when they zoom by.

5. In Madison, I saw a dude with totally crazy hair in the air terminal. It was kind of a mullet, only fluffier and curlier. But, not naturally curly, like he went out of his way to put product in his hair and make it look that way. Guess who I got to sit by on the flight to Minneapolis?
That's right Crazy-man Mullet. I didn't allow myself to look at him for the entire flight. I knew if I did, I would just giggle and that would be rude. 

6. Traveling alone is weird, but not unpleasant necessarily.

7. I was a good Samaritan yesterday. I found a credit card on the ground in the lobby and turned it into the front desk. I debated about what to do since if I were that guy I would probably comb the lobby looking for my lost credit card, but oh well, he can suck it because I tried to do the nice thing by turning it in so his identity doesn't get stolen. 

8. I love pepperoni. I love bell peppers. You'd think the combination of the both of them on a pizza would be awesome, but if I'm being honest I'd just rather have plain cheese. I don't need a lot of junk on my pizza mucking things up. 
I don't like fruit in my yogurt either. It's pretentious. The fruit, not eating yogurt with fruit in it. 

Okay, I'm coming down off the high of finally getting food tonight. Now, I'm sleepy. I don't have the patience for writing more stuff. I'm done for now, but don't get smug. It might happen again.

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