Tuesday, March 10, 2009

You Know It's True

The husband says it's mean, but I don't care. It might be mean, but it's also true.
The blind guy on American Idol just isn't that good. His voice is mediocre at best and he probably wouldn't be here if he wasn't blind. Can we just get over that already and let him go home?
Or at a minimum get a haircut? He probably won't notice and his crazy hair is driving me nuts.

Kris Allen, on the other hand, is an adorable little monkey. 
I want to put him in my pocket and carry him around. 
He can hang out there with Bob Costas. Have you ever seen a more perfect pocket-sized man than Bob Costas? Kris could sing to me and Bob could tell me how the scenery is majestic and the athletes are triumphant. 
It would be awesome.


Mr Blume said...

Wait...Art Garfunkels kid is blind? I guess I haven't paid that close attention. At least he dosen't have to look at Paula. Man that girl is one cheap plastic toy short of a Happy Meal.

quartergoddess said...

Hmm... do you think it makes Paula better or worse to be blind around her?

On the one hand, you don't have to see the hideous stuff she wears.

On the other, all you have to concentrate on it the rambling, bumbling shit that pours out of her mouth.

Maybe I should have a little more compassion for him. Clearly, he's getting the raw end of this deal.

Shamrock said...

Hmmm...is Kris going to have to fight David Archuleta for his place as your pocket singer? Because I seem to remember you saying the same thing about him last season. Maybe a sing off??

quartergoddess said...

No. I'm so over Archie.
He turned out to be a little too 'aw shucks' for me.

An adorable little monkey on the other hand...