Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hassel Castle

David Hasselhoff did an interview with AOL.
He answered 10 questions. My favorite is #9.

9. Aside from 'America's Got Talent' where can your fans find you?
I'm really concentrating more on my music than television right now. I'm looking to buy a castle -- I'll call it the Hassel Castle -- where I can do concerts. I've also revamped my website, hasselhoff.com. If you log on, you can even join HoffSpace.

He's going to call it Hassel Castle. That is AWESOME!
You can join HoffSpace... Ha!
It's like the answer starts off a little boring, music versus television... bah, who cares?... but then, it just gets better and better. A castle he named after himself. A website. HoffSpace.... that's right a David Hasselhoff themed social network. Boo-yah!

Oh, Hoff, you *do* make the world just a little brighter with your existence, don't you? LoL

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