Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Powers Effect

I don't know what it is about going on vacation with mr. blume and manricor, but I can drink more alcohol and be less drunk than at any other time in my life. Two years ago, we went to Vegas and I had more to drink in those four days than ever before (or since) in my life. Yet, not really ever drunk. 

In San Antonio, (as pictured below) manricor and I split three 30 oz margaritas at dinner. 

Go ahead. Do the math. I'll wait. 

Then! We went to the Howl at the Moon piano bar and drank 4? 5? more drinks. Yet, still not drunk. Were we drive a car sober? No. Did we both publicly sing along with many, many, many songs at the piano bar (including Ice, Ice Baby)? Yes. But, we were able to walk home on our own power and weren't hungover the next day. I call that a win.  

To put this in perspective, I'm usually well on my way to being drunk after one beer. One beer. 
This phenomena only happens when (1) on vacation (2) with mr. blume and manricor. I'm calling it the "Powers Effect."

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