Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bossy Poster

I've been noticing more and more, at the dentist, at my hairstylist, at my ob/gyn (TMI?), that they are putting stuff on the ceiling to look at when you are lying back to do, whatever it is that they do.

My mind is always going, going, going. I can get bored easily and it's nice to have something to focus on. It's unnecessary, but appreciated.

At the dentist today, the poster they had on the ceiling was "Life's Little Instructions." Although it was more than enough to keep me occupied while they were digging around in my mouth, I was a little annoyed by the bossy tone of the poster.

"Sing in the shower, plant a tree on your birthday, carry jumper cables in your car, never refuse homemade brownies, wear polished shoes, have a dog..."

Seriously, shut up! Stupid fucking poster! (Have I ever mentioned that I hate being told what to do?) Although, done x3 on that last one.

My favorite instruction?
Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

I'm not sure I can even imagine what that would be like. I think it might be one of the signs of the apocalypse.


mle428 said...

This made me lol while I was boo hoo-ing at my computer. Never refuse homemade brownies? As a nurse-in-training I would not recommend taking a brownie from someone you can't trust. You never might end up with some space cake or pot brownies and a wild pantsless night under the full moon.

quartergoddess said...

Never refuse homemade brownies is terrible advice. I blame Life's Little Instructions for the obesity epidemic in America.

Poor people. Scarfing down brownies by the dozen on the advice of a poster. Sad, sad, sad.

Fern608 said...

You ARE the most positive and enthusiastic person I know! (Be honest - do you feel sorry for me? ;)

quartergoddess said...

Yes, I do feel sorry for you, because if that's true, it means I'm the only person you know.