Monday, January 19, 2009

Standing on the Precipice of History

Today is Martin Luther King day. A day we celebrate to commemorate a great man, who had a great vision of what this country could be, what humanity could be. I watched his "I have a dream" speech on YouTube, which is sort of tradition for me on this holiday. What amazes me is that no matter how many times I watch it, it never fails to affect me. 

Tomorrow is Obama's inauguration. It's an exciting time to be an American. It feels like we are coming out of the dark and into the light. 

I have so much hope for this man. I hope he is a man of intelligence, integrity and foresight. I hope he will restore this country to rights. It is a large job, but I believe he can do it. 

He isn't the realization of MLK's dream, but he is proof that it is possible. It is coming. It will happen. There is hope. 

I hope that tomorrow is not remembered as the day the first African-American became president of the United States, but as the turning point for this country. The day when change started. The day that led to America living up to her full potential. 

Only time will tell, but for now, I have hope.

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