Friday, January 16, 2009

Snakes on a Plane

Usually, I take great pains to avoid any movie that might fall into the horror genre. I don't get any great jollies out of being afraid. 

I will occasionally break this rule. Unfortunately, in a show of really poor judgement, I always seem to break these rules when home alone and my poor dogs are forced into sitting very close to me so I have someone around to protect me. Not that the husband would be that much help in the case of a homicidal maniac at any rate. 

Tonight, the husband and I watched Snakes on a Plane. I was mildly concerned before watching it that it would scare me in spite of the hokey, stupid plot. It is extremely easy to scare me. I was scared by The Frighteners. It stars Michael J. Fox who is possibly the least scary man alive, for pity's sake!

Well, as luck would have it, Snakes on a Plane is one of the dumbest movies I have ever seen. There was no opportunity at any point to be mildly thrilled, much less afraid. 

However there were some fantastic quotes from the movie. I'm going to share two of them with you because I think they hold up, even out of context.

"Fucking snake! Get off my dick!" - Dude who I think you can guess what happened to him
"I have had it with these mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane!" - Sammy J

You might want to say the second one to yourself a few times. It gets better the more you say it. And, at the point it comes in the movie, I have to say, I couldn't agree with you more Sammy J! I couldn't agree with you more.


Mr Blume said...

I will admit this is one of those movies where if I am flipping through the channels and see it, I end up watching the rest of it. It is so bad that it is good.

Shamrock said...

I can't believe you watched this movie...

j.l.b. said...

I can't believe they made this movie...

quartergoddess said...

I know! As I was watching it I just kept thinking, 'Really!?! Who thought this was a good idea?'