Friday, October 24, 2008

Sucks to be you, Canada

I got an email from advertising a sweepstakes they have going on. On a whim, a.k.a. thinking who doesn't want a trip to NY?!, I clicked on it and decided to read over the official rules.

Sweepstakes always make me nervous.
A small part of me is always suspicious that they are going to sneak something into the rules.
For example, by entering you have agreed to share any and all personal and financial information with any interested party from now until eternity.
OR by entering, you have agreed to forfeit your soul to aerie.
Stuff like that.

People NEVER read the fine print, so who knows what they could get away with.
Except me, I guess.

Anyway! I was reading the official rules and came across this little tidbit, "If a prospective winner is Canadian he or she will be required to correctly answer without assistance of any kind, a mathematical skill-testing question administered by telephone, email or other delivery method selected at the sole discretion of Sponsor"

What the fuck?!
You can't win sweepstakes in Canada unless you know some math?
That is so fucked up.
(Don't think too hard about the why. It will make your head hurt.)

Let's just hope they don't ask you to prove the Riemann Hypothesis, because that shit has never been solved.

For those of you interested, I declined to enter the sweepstakes. I don't really like aerie enough for $500 worth of goods, plus they called it a "spa and sparkle." That makes the snarky bitch inside of me want to hurt somebody. It's really best for everyone if I back away... slowly.

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