Saturday, November 15, 2008

Passing the Time

Today the husband is away at his 10 year high school reunion. I graciously agreed to stay home, so we didn't have to kennel the dogs. 
I had no idea what to do with a whole day by myself. 
The gym? (Of course!) Check.
The grocery store? Check.
But, that only got me as far as 11:30. 

I'm pretty proud of myself. Instead of sitting around and wasting the whole day watching tv or movies, or some other equally mind numbing pursuit, I actually spent the day painting. 

So, I turned on the radio (and eventually my iPod, when I got annoyed with the songs they were playing on the radio) and mixed colors, sketched shapes, cleaned brushes, got paint EVERYWHERE. I finally finished the painting I started... when was that?... 2 years ago, I think. 

It's all shiny because it was done with oil paints and they aren't dry yet. Also, the wings are darker in person, but they appear brighter in this picture because of the flash. This painting was more an exercise in color and to see if I could take a fairly simple image in my head and put it on the canvas, than it was about the content itself. I'm going to call it "Dirty Wings" and overall, I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. 

This is my new project. It's still in it's infancy, but I'm happy with the shapes so far. 

I really need to remember to do this more often. Every personality/career test that I take ends up labelling me as a "creator." I thrive on the creative process. It excites and fulfills me in a way that not much else can. You don't have to be "good" at something to make it worthwhile to do it, you just have to enjoy it. 

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