Friday, September 26, 2008


PETA is so weird.
Honest to Pete, I get what they are saying as an organization and I even agree with some of it.
(I don't try not to buy products that were tested on animals.)
But, it seems to me that they are often more about grabbing attention in the headlines for themselves than about protecting animals.

Yeah, breast milk ice cream. That sounds just wonderful.
If Ben and Jerry's wanted to commit financial suicide, maybe they could consider doing that.

I'm sure they think they are PR savvy when they pull stunts like this, but honestly I think it hurts their cause more than it helps it.

Again, I'm sympathetic to their cause. But, even if I were to give up meat and leather tomorrow I wouldn't join PETA because they are crazy.
And I wouldn't join the crusade against cow's milk either. The husband's parents ran a dairy farm until very recently (when they passed it down to the husband's brother). I can't speak for all dairy farms, but the cows on this farm weren't mistreated or abused.
You might be able to convince me that a lot of things are wrong with the way we treat animals, but milking a cow? Probably not.

If PETAs end game involves recruiting a large number of zealots to their organization, but turning off everyone else who isn't interested in the crazy shit they pull, then job well done.
If their goal is actually to protect animals, then maybe they want to think about knocking it off with the stunts and spend their money where it will actually do some good.

1 comment:

Shamrock said...

Thank you! PETA gives people that try to help animals a bad name. And the not milking cows thing is really stupid. If they aren't milked, it becomes painful. So according to PETA, we should leave cows in pain...