Monday, September 15, 2008


Was that my hip or my pride?

Yesterday, I was out walking the big dogs when they suddenly lunged to the side and back of me. This caused me to spin, trip over their leashes and land hard on my left elbow and hip. It was dizzying and terrifying. I don't think I've fallen like that in all my adult life.

I was so fucking pissed at the dogs.

What were they so upset about?
A large, threatening pack of dogs?
A roving band of rabid cats?

No, an elderly couple walking on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET!!!

She was nice and asked me if I was okay.
He was kind of dick and laughed at me.
Whatever, grandpa...

I can't hold a grudge against my pups. They were so penitent on the rest of the way home. We passed a dog, kids playing in the street, a guy mowing his lawn and a couple who walked dangerously close to them and there was nary a peep from them. They walked docilely by my side.

This leads me to believe they can behave, they just don't want to.
Understandable. Me either.

Today, my hip hurts. It hasn't turned into a big old black bruise yet, but it will.
So, I have that going for me, which is nice.

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