Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Stupid TiVO!

I started watching American Idol this year, because there was nothing else on really.
With going to the gym pretty much every night I don't really have the time to be invested in a lot of television, but Jeff and I have been watching American Idol all season.
Last night was the first part of the final two.
David versus David.
I was excited to see it when I came home from the gym.
What I found, was that my TiVO had recorded Reaper instead of American Idol.
Well fuck.
Stupid Reaper.
I don't give a shit what is happening on that show right now.
I guess it's my fault for not checking the to do list and make sure that American Idol was set to record, but it has been recording American Idol for the whole season with no problems.

It's just so... disappointing.
The whole season has been building to this point and I missed it.
Boo. :(

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