Tuesday, April 8, 2008

In Response...

I wanted to write a comment on my sister's blog, but as she doesn't have comments enabled, I cannot. Since I think she reads my blog, I'm going to respond here instead. (Hopefully, she won't mind)

In her blog she wrote, "...and she [Natalie] said how she admired me for being a fighter through all of this. It boosted my self-esteem, but at the same time I think she's giving me a little too much credit. I have plenty of self pity time..."

What I have to say about it is this:
Bravery isn't the absence of fear. It's continuing on and doing what you have to do in spite of the fear.

I don't think you are a fighter because you never get down or never have moments of self-pity. Then you wouldn't be a fighter, you would be some sort of alien, super-hero.
Rocky didn't win all his battles, and you won't either.
But he kept coming back to the ring, determined to fight as long and as hard as he could.
You're still in school. You're still following your dreams. You're still doing what you need to do to live your life in a meaningful way. You have hope for the future.
Maybe you have to work a little harder for them than most people, and that sucks, but the point is that you keep going.

I AM proud of you, my little brave chica.

Don't forget - you don't have to fight the good fight alone, I've always got your back.

1 comment:

Shamrock said...

Thanks Natalie!

And by the way... I love Cold Granola as a team name. I am very jealous not to be a Cold Granola!